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The early detection and identification of clinically important organisms, including the most prevalent ESKAPE pathogens,1 enables clinicians to provide earlier targeted therapy for their patients.
Until now, the only way to provide species-specific diagnostic results was with a blood culture. Blood culture is severely limited by poor sensitivity, requiring multiple blood culture sets, and false-negative test results, often resulting from interference from antimicrobial drugs in the bloodstream.2,3 False-negative test results have led to an overreliance on empiric therapy and the protocol of running 3 to 4 blood cultures per patient, which further delays the time to test results.
The FDA-cleared and CE-marked T2Bacteria® and T2Candida® Panels provide clinicians with new tools for accurate species-specific diagnostic results in 3 to 5 hours directly from a 4 mL whole blood sample – without the wait for blood culture. These panels detect the most serious bacterial and fungal pathogens often not susceptible to first-line empiric therapy.
A growing body of data is demonstrating the positive impact of rapid diagnostics and the improvement of inpatient care. Infectious disease experts from the University of Pittsburgh published a peer-reviewed study that shows how to effectively incorporate T2Candida into clinical pathways.7
In the study, T2 Magnetic Resonance Assay Improves Timely Management of Candidemia, by Wilson and colleagues published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Stewardship demonstrate a reduction in time to species ID (p<0.001), a reduction in median time to appropriate antifungal therapy (p<0.003) as well as an increase in detection of ocular candidiasis cases (p<0.028).4
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1. Kumar A, et al. Critical Care Medicine, 2006
2. Patch ME, at al. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2018
3. Wilson N, et al. Journal of Antimicrobial Stewardship, 2017
4. Shields RK, et al. Incorporating T2Candida Testing into Rational Antifungal Management. Poster Presentation, ID Week 2018
5. Bilir SP, et al. Future Microbiology, 2015
FDA-cleared, direct-from-blood diagnostic tools:
Over 200 studies published in peer-reviewed journals have featured T2MR in a breadth of applications
T2 Biosystems, an emerging leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, is dedicated to saving lives and reducing the cost of healthcare by empowering clinicians to effectively treat patients faster than ever before. T2 Biosystems is focused on addressing critical unmet needs in healthcare starting with sepsis, one of the deadliest and most expensive conditions in hospitals today.
The T2Dx Instrument, the T2Bacteria and T2Candida Panels have received marketing authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. All other T2 Biosystems products are considered investigational and for research use only.
T2 Biosystems®, T2MR®, T2Bacteria®, T2Candida®, T2Resistance® and T2Dx® are registered trademarks of T2 Biosystems, Inc. “T2Biosystems” and the T2 Biosystems, Inc. logo design are registered trademarks or trademarks of T2Biosystems, Inc. All software and documentation is subject to T2 Biosystems, Inc. copyrights. All rights reserved. T2Direct Diagnostics™, T2HemoStat™, T2Plex™, T2Cauris™, T2Lyme™ and T2SARS-CoV-2™ are trademarks of T2 Biosystems, Inc.
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