Sepsis Committee

Incorporate T2Direct Diagnostics to rapidly provide targeted treatment for bloodstream infections from common ESKAPE pathogens that can lead to sepsis

Sepsis committees are chartered with introducing new technologies and processes to treat patients with the right therapies more quickly. The inclusion of T2Direct Diagnostics™ in a hospital’s sepsis protocol can enable faster time to targeted therapy, improved patient outcomes, and de-escalation of antimicrobial drug use.

Rapid and accurate diagnostic tools

The T2Direct Diagnostics family of tools provides rapid and accurate results directly from whole blood in 3 to 5 hours. These tools can identify the most serious bacterial and fungal pathogens often not responsive to first-line empiric therapy.

Improved patient outcomes

The T2Bacteria® and T2Candida® Panels are the only FDA-cleared and CE-marked diagnostics that provide species identification for some of the most common and deadly sepsis-causing pathogens – without having to wait 1 to 5 days or more for blood culture results. Early targeted therapy improves patient outcomes; every hour delay of effective antibiotic therapy increases mortality by almost 8% in patients with septic shock.1 A positive T2Bacteria or T2Candida test result may enable rapid targeted treatment and prevent a serious bloodstream infection from progressing to sepsis.

T2Direct Diagnostics: Same-day test results. Improved patient outcomes. Reduced cost.

Faster targeted therapy

  • Breakthrough speed and accuracy compared to any other diagnostic tool with species ID in 3 to 5 hours

Improved patient outcomes

  • Potential to reduce hospital and ICU lengths of stay
  • Decrease time to therapy,2,3,4 de-escalation of unnecessary antifungal use4
  • Reduction in length of stay for patients in the ICU3

Improved stewardship

  • More effective use and better cost management of antimicrobial drugs, with the ability to make rapid adjustments

Reduced cost of sepsis management

  • Reimbursement for discharged emergency department patients
  • Economic models demonstrate a 500-bed hospital could save $5.8 million annually and prevent 60% of Candida-related deaths5

Contact us to learn how T2Direct Diagnostics can help your hospital institution!

Schedule a meeting with our PharmDs to Learn More!

1. Kumar A, et al. Critical Care Medicine, 2006
2. Patch ME, at al. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2018
3. Wilson N, et al. Journal of Antimicrobial Stewardship, 2017
4. Shields RK, et al. Incorporating T2Candida Testing into Rational Antifungal Management. Poster Presentation, ID Week 2018
5. Bilir SP, et al. Future Microbiology, 2015


FDA-cleared, direct-from-blood diagnostic tools:

T2Bacteria® Panel 
T2Candida® Panel


Over 200 studies published in peer-reviewed journals have featured T2MR in a breadth of applications