Learn about the correlation between COVID-19 infections and bacterial and/or fungal infections that may lead to sepsis. We will explore the challenges associated with identifying, treating, and managing these patients and how T2 Biosystems’ diagnostic panels can help optimize the treatment of COVID-19 patients with secondary bacterial or fungal infections or co-infections.
Learning Objectives:
- Review COVID-19 background as it relates to secondary and co-infections
- Understand the current limitations of traditional methods in diagnosing secondary and co-infections
- Identify appropriate COVID-19 patients at risk for secondary or co-infections to be tested with T2 Biosystems’ panels Learn about T2 Biosystems’ response to COVID-19
About the speaker:
Sandy Estrada, PharmD, Vice President, Medical Affairs, T2 Biosystems. Sandy previously held the position of Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacist for Lee Health in Ft. Myers, FL, for 13 years, where she served as the Co-Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Director of the ID Pharmacy Residency Program.